
A selection of blog posts originally written for the travel photography social platform Trover, acquired by Expedia. Trover has since been shuttered (RIP). If you so happen to be planning a trip to Paris or Australia, or if you consider yourself motivated by caffeinated beverages, these blog posts may offer some utility!

15 Must-See Australian Sights

Australia may be home to the ten most dangerous snakes, but surely an island with over 10,000 beaches and more kangaroos than humans deserves further consideration. A country/continent known for its natural wonders and bustling urban centers, Australia is a traveler’s dream, home to iconic architecture, vibrant marine life and plenty of outdoor adventures.

We’ve assembled 15 must-see Australian discoveries found on Trover in hopes of inspiring both your travel envy and sense of adventure. Enjoy your time Down Under.

Now that you’re dreaming of coral reef diving and cuddling koalas, check out Trover’s list of Australia – Top Attractions. Discover the Best of Everywhere, and share your travels with us on Desktop, iOS, or Android!

Drew Nelson