
A selection of blog posts originally written for the travel photography social platform Trover, acquired by Expedia. Trover has since been shuttered (RIP). If you so happen to be planning a trip to Paris or Australia, or if you consider yourself motivated by caffeinated beverages, these blog posts may offer some utility!

9 Unique Views of the Eiffel Tower

Whether you’re brave enough to trek to the top or would prefer to stay firmly grounded, a trip to Paris requires at least one photograph of the Eiffel Tower. From the top, from underneath, or from a distance, this famous piece of French architecture is a staple of the Parisian skyline.

Built for the 1889 Paris Exposition (Exposition Universelle),  the Eiffel Tower was not meant to be permanent. Before its planned demolition in 1909, the tower proved useful for radio communications and meteorological observations.

In honor of the nearly 130-year-old monument, we’ve collected nine Trover discoveries that show unique views of the Eiffel Tower.

To continue daydreaming of pastries and Parisian adventures, find out How To Explore Every Inch of Paris and check out Trover’s list of Paris Attractions. Discover the Best of Everywhere, and share your travels with us on Desktop, iOS, or Android!

Drew Nelson